What's wrong with me recently?
unwanted car accident
today my uncle and auntie picked me to go to my other relatives in SIngapore to gong xi gong xi
stress with school stuff
aduh, senen midterm bsp blon kelar belajar sampe skrg...
Fennita's turning 20th. Huge thanks guys!
Today I'm turning 20th.. I would like to express my gratitude to some of special ppl here:
1. To my fellow classmates (best friend in class): Elaine, Mei Qi, William for the advance Bday treat last Wednesday. really felt fun last wed (karaoke, chinatown ice cream, clarkquay italian restrnt)..I just knew ur funny tradition that bday girl must take the candle from the cake using mouth! hahaha.
Also to Xiu Xuan for the Famous Amos.. I like sweet stuff vry much...This small present really means alot for me.
2. To all my fellow PGP's friend (my batch)
Christina: Thanks ya for buying the cake, organising ystrdy bday celebration, as well as the gift. like it..hahah. I will take note ur message to be not so naif and stupid..haha
Hans: although u couldn't celebrate my bday here, thanks for the effort on organising yeah.. including the stupid scene where I didn't realise the behind purpose of the conversation about asking me for sharing taxi fair
Felic: thanks for the sushi..although I know the purpose to buy it was to bully me..hehhee
and all there: Cus, Tjok-Har, KG, Oline, Marlyna....
3. All my friends who purposely traveled from KR hall and got back by walk: Helen, Leon, Arie, Grego, Tanto, etc.. Especially for Helen and Michelle for the white cute shoes, i like it!... OMG Helen, after you gave me this present, I realised that how stupid I was when you chat with me yesterday morning talking about shoe size and I didn't realise it...
4. My "papi tiri in ICy n CGL" Howard, thanks ya for ur coming n ur effort to gather our CG to celebrate my bday. I know u need to travel frm Normanton ysterday mid night.
5. Thanks for all of My CG member and all ICy's ppl who came yesterday ...didn't expect so much though, so I felt vry happy with all ur presence. Especially for Bill for being the photographer and Mai that stayed back quite some time after finished ysterday..hahhaha..
6. Those who were coming to R2 lounge to celebrate my bday that I can't mention ur name one by one..thanks ya!
7. All CBLC MC ppl who came to celebrate my bday n Jolane couple days ago. Special thanks to Windy and Danny Solihin who spent quite long time to help me dealing with my stupid laptop..hahha.. Also for those who has direct involvement for all the lie (although lots of loopholes) created behind the surprise couple days ago: Dannish, Hans, William, Shu Yun..hahhaa...really feel funny if remember it...
A stupid easy-feeling girl here was vry happy because of you all. don't laugh at me when my tears dropped yesterday... I really didn't expect much ysterday.hehhee
Of course, among the top, thanks to God giving me such a wonderful 20 years life with a great family and great friends, His every plan and every events happened around this date including getting Harvey Norman big participation for IT Flair 2010, offer to be RA from one of my ex lecturer(although not sure yet), and everything....
Last but not least, Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine in advance
small thing is great and touchy
A girl lives with a soft heart who is easy to be happy with a small incentives. this depicts me today!
Blood Donation- Karaoke - 20th bday celebration in advance day

Back to "pig" lifestyle
Oh no..today morning, i went to school (poor me, hv saturday class), went back back, lunch 1-1.45pm, back to room took a nap for 3.5hours, woke up at 5.30pm, 6pm had dinner, now slacking..
Shopping 2
Hm, today I was planning to go to Bugis with Elaine to buy clothes etc for CNY. But coz of raining, we cancelled going to Bugis. At the end I alone went to Tiong Bahru Plaza, seeking MEZZO store (again) to buy clothes for my mom (for her bday present-although actually using parent's money..haha)...I dunno what special bout this store until I go there so many times. Limited size, limited choices, not cheap, located far from my stay; but quality ok and looks ok...hahaha...Her bday at Feb 11, only different of 2 days with mine. Unfortunately, the one I like that looks nice and looks worth it, the store has no more size for my mom...ahhhh, I was purposely going there n getting nothing....