CBLC Cyberia Camp BBQ party

NUSSU CBLC Event: Cyberia Camp 09 (9-11 December'09)

coz I am doing internship, I couldn't attend the whole camp, but yesterday I managed to join the the BBQ party after I went back from the office. so I was there from 7.45pm - 11.00pm
I had fun there,with all CBLCans and all the participants of the camp.

FUNNY but FUN...
out of 5 BBQ pit, I think ours was the worst one, not sure coz we didn't start the fire well enough from start, or not enough skill, or not enough passion, but in fact when other people from other BBQ pit had finished eating and even had well-cooked food left, we still afforded to burn the fire starter..
so what I did was I went around and got the food from them..that's the fastest way.. those people even said "just take, we have a lot food left, no one can eat already"; I was thinking, we should not even start our BBQ pit and just took other food..hahahhaa

No matter what, I indeed enjoyed yesterday BBQ party...
oh ya, appologize to all, I did't help for packing up and cleaning the place coz I'm working and so tired...
thx all! CYBERIA committee, u did a great job!....


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