Last Monday, I asked for 1day leave from the office buat ke Johor Baru, Malaysia nemenin Christina beli obat bwat ortunya (sbenernya gw jg pengen2 pegi si since gw blon pernah ksana)
but unfortunately dompet nya Christina beserta kartu2 imigrasi sgala ilang, at the end ga jadi ke JB(poor Christina! lucky dy org nya tenang bgt lho..hehehe)
Since I have taken a leave dengan alasan urusan club, I worked for half day. In the first place, I planned to accompany her to police station to make a police report for her wallet lost and take my free $12 compensation of filling a survey before, but at the end it was cancelled since she could make an online police report (wow..Singapore's procedure of this stuff is vry easy!)
At then end, I ended up going to Bugis for shopping and looking around... But, what did I buy?
1 ice cream potong choco chip
1 tooth brush head cover (PIG figure)
1 watch
1 bowl of noodle at noodle house at Bugis
Anyway I enjoyed it...
pig toothbrush head cover

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