Summer Internship

This is my second day doing my internship.
Wake up at 530am and start working at 8am until, yesterday I went back about 8pm. Overtime overtime...hahhaa...
But the team is nice and all of them are friendly and humorous, so although it's tiring but it;s fun!
The manager is also very nice and when I was saying about I'm staying in Kelapa Gading, she offers me to go home or come back together. Such a nice person. Furthermore, when I told her that I wanted to make this compulsory so i need her contact, she said ok directly and give it to me, even she said i will give reference or testimonial ..hohohoh
Moreover, the advisory forensic boss is ang mo also very nice..hahaha...
Love to be here.

Bout the work,'s repetitive, doing like research, finding company's bad news etc..and drafting the report due dilligence...
hmmm...gotta rush to work again now...


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