The tears of a treasurer

It's been 3 years journey for me in NUSSU CBLC. Look back, lots of laugh n tears I suppose.
Start from being the Marketing Subcom, Project Asst Marketing Manger Cyberia Camp 08, Project Treasurer IT Flair 09, Marketing IT Flair 10, OGL Cyberia Camp 10. I took up Executive Committee position as Secretary, Asst Treasurer, then Treasurer respectively.

(Disclaimer: it's just my own feeling, you may disagree. I'm not particularly saying someone)

I have just realised that it's really different between holding these three position and I realise it's getting tougher and more challenging.

There are many reasons why I say this position is tiring, challenging, sensitive. It's been many times I feel irritating for people questions or wrong complain. I feel sad and scared for lots of thing. I really need to work on my feeling not to think negatively, not to be so sensitive.

Honestly speaking, this year I continue to be treasurer in CBLC is not because of CCA points or anything else, but I just feel so close to CBLC already that I wanna still be CBLCan.

Now, they are going to change the name to commIT. although I did recommend this name earlier, but now I'm bit regretting. Somehow I don't like to change. I don't like to go out from my comfort zone. I feel we just trouble ourselves of the changes which is unnecessary and no value added.
Well, different people have different perception and you may disagree with me.